My Worst Enemy

Mon pire ennemi

My Worst Enemy
Wednesday, 06.12.2023 |

Margaretenstraße 24,
A - 1040 Vienna


In this film, director Mehran Tamadon embarks on a journey to understand the incomprehensible. He invites formerly incarcerated dissidents from Iran to participate in an experiment: he asks them to subject him to the same kind of interrogation techniques employed by the agents of the Islamic Republic within Iranian prisons. The exiled actress Zar Amir (Holy Spider) takes up the challenge. An intense and controversial documentary that provides deep insights into the psychological consequences of torture.


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Jin-Jiyan-Azadî (Frauen-Leben-Freiheit): Iran
International Competition

Supporting programme

Followed by a Q&A with the director Mehran Tamadon.


Institut Francais

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