Souleymane's Story

L'histoire de Souleymane

Souleymane's Story
Thursday, 05.12.2024 |

Top Kino Saal 1

Rahlgasse 1 (corner of Theobaldgasse)
1060 Vienna


Amid the bustling streets of Paris, Souleymane, a young undocumented delivery driver from Guinea, moves through each day in survival mode. Pedaling across the city to deliver meals, he races against time to secure his place in France, with his asylum interview only two days away. In this acclaimed, award-winning feature film, director Boris Lojkine crafts a powerful and haunting narrative that brings to light the harsh realities facing undocumented immigrants—a raw and evocative portrait of resilience and the relentless challenges of working in precarious, often exploitative conditions.


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