Twice Colonized

Twice Colonized

Twice Colonized
Monday, 04.12.2023 |
Top Kino Saal 1

Rahlgasse 1 (corner of Theobaldgasse)
1060 Vienna


As a lawyer and activist, the indomitable protagonist Aaju Peter is at the center of a struggle for the recognition of indigenous peoples, in a world where colonialism is still present. Transferred from Greenland to Denmark in her childhood, she lost her native language and culture and experienced another form of colonization in Canada. The film follows her on her personal journey, back to the places of trauma, and shows her persistent commitment to justice and a better future for generations to come. A story of resistance and discovery that raises questions about identity, belonging and recognition.


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Working Realities

Supporting programme

Discussion following the screening, organized by ZARA.


AK Wien
AK Wien
ZARA - Zivilcourage & Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit

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