Endless Borders

Marzhaye bi payan

Endless Borders
Saturday, 02.12.2023 |
Top Kino Saal 1

Rahlgasse 1 (corner of Theobaldgasse)
1060 Vienna


Endless Borders is set in a small village on the Afghan-Iranian border, largely isolated from the outside world. Ahmad, an idealistic and passionate teacher, was exiled there due to his political activities. His wife however was imprisoned by the regime for some time for the very same "offence". The couple's disagreement also stems from this unequal punishment. One day, Ahmad's life collides with that of an Afghan family fleeing the Taliban: a situation that confronts him with uncomfortable questions.

This film is part of the Iranian Film Focus, curated by Anna Mago.

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Jin-Jiyan-Azadî (Frauen-Leben-Freiheit): Iran

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