Youth Short Film Competition 2024
The future is ours to see
What do they mean for you and your/our future?
Student Short Film Competition 2024
The International Film Festival on Human Rights this human world (thw) will hold the Short Film
Competition on Human Rights 2024 under the auspices of the United Nations Information Service
(UNIS) Vienna, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Austria, and the Chief
Executive Office of the City of Vienna for European and International Affairs in cooperation with schools
in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Türkiye. Those who receive this
invitation are welcome to forward it to educational institutions in other countries
so as many students as possible can submit entries.
Many rights seem to be taken for granted today, yet at the same time we are
confronted with new challenges, inequalities and war. The multitude of conflicts
in recent years has shown that cooperation which exceeds borders, sectors, and
generations is needed to face them. The link to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights can be found HERE.
Students from 10 to 20 years old are invited, as a class or individually, to develop short films
inspired by the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The theme of this year's competition is:
Peace – Respect – Nonviolent Communication
What do they mean for you and your/our future?
● Freedom is not only the absence of conflict, war and persecution,
but also a state of inner balance between humans
and nations. How can you, through your films, show
that peace is not just a distant dream, but something
that you can actively establish and promote?
● Respect is the recognition of the dignity and rights of every
individual, independent of gender, skin color,
religion or social status.
● Nonviolent Communication is a way to solve conflicts in a
constructive and respectful manner by responding to the
needs and feeling of all parties involved.
The aim of this competition is to bring human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with
its 30 articles closer to young people, giving students an opportunity for critical reflection on these
issues and offering a platform for young, committed filmmakers to present their work.
The film submissions will be reviewed by an international jury. The short film which is awarded the Jury
prize will be shown in the framework of the international film festival this human world,
on 4 December
2024 at Vienna City Hall.
After numerous and qualitatively outstanding submissions in the last 14 years, we are looking forward to
inspiring and exciting contributions from individual students or group works from school classes again in
2024. The competition will be internationally advertised by the UN partner organizations and announced
among local educational institutions in Austria, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.
Framework conditions for the competition:
The competition is open to children and teenagers aged 10 to 20. The film entries can be submitted
by students individually or as school class. The maximum length of the short films should be three
minutes. The film entries can be produced and edited using any means provided by the schools
and/or available to the students. From professional video cameras to phone cameras,
everything is welcome, and every genre is allowed.
Registration for the competition is open until 20 September 2024 via email to
Registration should include:
* Name and address of the school
* Name and contact details of the contact person in the school (teacher)
* Age and number of the participating students
* The students and legal guardians of minors, by the submission of film entries by their
daughter/son, agree that photo and video material of the award ceremony (photos of the
winners/interviews with participants) can be published in media and on websites of the
issuing institutions (UNIS, UNHCR, City of Vienna, THIS HUMAN WORLD),
as well as in social networks.
* Correspondence and registrations in English or German please!
The deadline to submit the film entries for the competition is October 23, 2024.
Submission via email to:
For additional information, contact Lisa Wegenstein / Xandi Egginton
Tel.: +43/1/5855888/24