In the context of a cinematic reflection on narrative structures of the past, these selected films unfold a kaleidoscope of historical discourses and their implications for the present. The narratives invite viewers to engage with the complex dynamics of me-
mory, identity, and collective belonging. They provide a thoughtful examination of the significance of memories for individual and collective consciousness, creating space for personal and societal discussions. The films shed light on the nuances of migration and the remembrance of lost utopias (City of Poets) and focalize quiet witnesses to harsh reali-
ties (Worker's Wings). In a Finnish city, the legacy of a Soviet monument is reassessed (Forgetting Lenin), while a compelling investigation of cultural fractures in Yugoslavia offers a profound reflection on the tensions between individual memory and political narration (Some Memories). Through his personal archive, an unwilling soldier recounts experiences of flight and migration (Exit Through the Cuckoo's Nest). Innovative cinematic techniques bring echoes of history to life in five short films, offering new approaches to archival work or serving as archives themselves.
Forgetting Lenin
Inka Achte, Einari Paakkanen
FI 2024, 6 min, OmeU
Exit Through the Cuckoo's Nest
Nikola Ilić
CH 2024, 19 min, OmeU
Workers' Wings
Ilir Hasanaj
XK 2024, 19 min, OmeU
Some Memories
Lotte Schreiber
AT 2024, 10 min, OmeU
City Of Poets
Sara Rajaei
NL 2024, 21 min, OmeU