And Me, I'm Dancing Too

Man khod, man ham miraghsam

And Me, I'm Dancing Too
Friday, 01.12.2023 |

Margaretenstraße 24,
A - 1040 Vienna


In a country that forbids dancing, Saba's body moves to the music with a flowing rhythm. Dancing is her life and her way of self-expression. A film blurring the lines between documentary and fiction unfolds, offering a moving portrait of a generation of young Iranians constrained by the strict rules of the Islamic Republic. When Saba rebels in a poetic act of defiance, the boundaries between fiction and reality finally blur. It's a compelling testament to personal expression in the face of cultural restrictions.

This film is part of the Iranian Film Focus, curated by Anna Mago.

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Jin-Jiyan-Azadî (Frauen-Leben-Freiheit): Iran

Supporting programme

Followed by a Q&A.

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